Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is a dog really man's best friend?

The mounted remains Hachiko,on display at the museum of nature and science in Tokyo

Even if you'r strickly a bona fide cat lover,it's nearly impossible not to be moved by the brand of loyalty unic to dogs.Buddhists believe that on the day the Buddha died,he summoned animals to his side.Only members of 12 species - dog among them - reached him before his death.He rewared those who cane with a year of thier own,which is why the cat has no sign in Chiness zodiac. Although not every dog is necessarily friendly by nature,stories emerge from time of a dog becoming separated from his or her family and undertaking an incredible journey toward reunion.Dogs are used in therapy for Alzheimer's disease and in clinical setting as comfort for the terminally ill.And consider this: Between jan. 19 and jan 31,2008, no fewer than five different families in the United States and Canada were saved by thier dogs when thier homes caught fire.All of this substantiates the the old saying that dogs are man's and woman's best friend.One breed of dog is especially prized for it,s fierce loyalty.The Akita is a fluffy dog that favours its wolf ancestors,with pointed ears that stand on end,a slightly scrunched face,and a tail that curls in a loop back toward its body.Ithails from the Akita region in Japan,a prefecture in the north of the island.Originally all light in color,the Akita was first mentioned in Japanease literature around A.D. 717, and is depicted on much older pottery excavated in that country.

Helen Keller asked for and was given an akita after she toured the country in 1937 and learned the story of Chu-Ken Hachiko (in Japanese,"faithful dog Hachiko")
Are dogs humankind's best friend?The answer is a subjective one,but the story of Hachiko that inspired Hellen Keller to adopt an Akita may be the closest we can get to objective evidence.

1 comment:

  1. Dogs are better friends than cats are, I feel. Cat's always look out for themselves first. Dogs are more team members than cats, which you could read as better friends.
